At Aerolaser we acquire high-precision topographic data for a multitude of applications. This allows us to automatically generate digital elevation models for linear infrastructure, watersheds, forest management, and city modeling, among others.
We generate products to digitally reconstruct the landscape in a faithful and detailed way
Normal and true orthophoto production RGB, NIR. Orthorectification with digital models obtained from LiDAR data.
We generate detailed 2D and 3D cartography at different scales and for different uses.
Production of oblique photos that favor the identification of details that are difficult to see in the overhead images.
Infrared Image Production and Interpretation for Forestry, Agriculture, and Infrastructure Applications
The digital terrain model (DTM) represents the ground surface without elements such as buildings or vegetation and gives value to the ground height for each pixel.
The digital surface model (DSM) represents the surface of the earth including all elements such as trees, buildings and other infrastructure
We orthorectify images using a Digital Surface Model (DSM), which eliminates perspective distortion.
There are no displacements caused by reliefs or tall structures, which means that the inclination of the buildings does not hide the entities on the ground and allows the identification of the buildings’ footprints.
We directly interpret IR photographs for forestry, agricultural or power line applications, without modifying the digital pixel level or carrying out the same photogrammetric process as RGB, guaranteeing maximum accuracy.
Take your projects to the next level
Contact us and find out how to improve and optimize your projects with our high-quality, high-definition digital models for all types of studios