Inertial System

The Aerolaser Control Unit (AeCU) is the inertial control system responsible for synchronizing and feeding all the sensors in the equipment. A product developed by Aerolaser that integrates into all our systems: the different versions of AeSystem, AeMMS, and even a reduced version in AeDrone. 

Synchronizes and feeds all system sensors

Sends the captured information to AePC for processing

Georeference all acquired data

JAVAD TR-3N or Trimble BD940 GNSS Receiver

with PPS output to a signal duplicator

Internal clock

with nanosecond accuracy

Control the IMU

Receive your data and add reading time

JAVAD TR-3N or Trimble BD940 GNSS Receiver

with PPS output to a signal duplicator

Internal clock

with nanosecond accuracy

Control the IMU

Receive your data and add reading time

Control up to 6 digital cameras

Provides power, sends trigger orders, and receives the flash signal

How it works with AeMission

Control via our flight management software

Power Distribution

Provides the necessary power to each sensor in the system

Optimize your projects with our inertial system

Contact our experts and discover how AeCU revolutionizes data capture in any geospatial project